Looping a video with autoplay. Either with YouTube or html5 video tag
Bishops Swap Game
The Bishops Swap Game is a classic puzzle from the 7th Guest. Here is the start position of it: The end position is the same, except that the black and white bishops have swapped: the black bishops are on the top row, the white bishops are on the bottom row. Move the bishops to get […]
If you create a theme for WordPress, you will probably want the front-end and the back-end (the editor) look alike in most cases. It’s not that hard if you know how to do it. wp_enqueue_style You could use the enqueue_block_editor_assets hook to add styles, using wp_enqueue_style. This is how the twentytwenty theme does it. It […]
Demonstration of the effect of timing functions on an animation, using a Bezier curve controller. How to use: Drag the handles (green dots) of the control below to adjust the way the red dot runs its loop. It starts and ends in its ‘home’, but the speed may vary, and the dot may even temporarily […]
Move a dot along a path
Create a dot moving along a path using SVG and JavaScript
Bouncing in a box
How to intersect a parabola with a line, and other graphics solutions.
Angle bisector theorem
Intuitive approach to proof of angle bisector theorem
Trial and error tutorial: How to model a simple worm that wriggles using an armature.
When modelling a 3D object in Blender it is important to be aware whether you are in Object Mode or Edit Mode when you change the shape of an object. A mistake that is easily made is to deform an object in Object Mode, and then to find that tools in Edit Mode do not […]
Animation on page load
To bring a webpage to life, you may want to start an animation when the content of the page appears. For example, a text or an image fades in, or moves to certain position, or grows to a certain size, etc.
Here is a basic method to kick off a page load transition