Typography Web development

Understanding font size

What does it mean to specify font-size to be, say, 16px? Exactly what part of the font is 16px?

CSS Web development

Scaling grid tiles containing text

Suppose we have a design with a component that contains an image and text, with responsive dimensions and a fixed height to width ratio. The font size scales too, so the text wraps the same for each width. This is what the HTML structure of the component might look like: The height of the tile […]

CSS Web development

Transitions of SVG icons

How can we style SVG images on a web page? For instance to define a transition on hovering. Using the <img> tag will not work. Neither will the CSS property background-image. We must put the SVG element inline in the HTML code. Now we can style the SVG elements using CSS selectors. Include external file […]

CSS Web development

Transforming a static element

When a CSS transform is applied to an element, that element’s position property is forced to relative. This side effect introduces quirky behaviour, when you depend on the position being static.

CSS Web development

Order pseudo-classes

The order of definition of pseudo-classes for the anchor tag is crucial. In Firefox I noted that if you define :visited after :hover, you may not get the style you expect when hovering over an <a> element. That’s logical, if you think of it. But it can be confusing because the Inspector seems to ignore […]

Gutenberg Wordpress

Setting up a block

Just a note on the way I currently like to set up development of a Gutenberg block. Basically these are the steps mentioned in the WordPress block editor handbook, that uses the @wordpress/package to work with the webpack and Babel libraries, without too much hassle. Alternative: Advanced Custom Fields Pro A month after I wrote […]


Checksum utility

Windows 10 Windows 10 has a built-in checksum utitily, CertUtil. For instance to find the md5 checksum of a file: Browser tool Alternatively, generate and verify the MD5/SHA1/SHA256 checksum of a file on line. You won’t have to upload the file, the work is done in the browser.

3D Blender

Sharp edges on smooth models

How to create a smooth looking object that also has sharp edges like this disc in Blender 2.8: To do that, apply smoothing to both the geometry of the model and the appearance of the surface. In both cases prevent the smoothing to occur at the edges that must remain sharp as explained below. Smooth […]